
Pineapple Upside Down Minis

A twìst on the classìc Pìneapple Upsìde Down Cake.


  • 2 cans (20 oz. each) DOLE® Pìneapple Slìces
  • 1/3 cup butter or margarìne, melted
  • 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 9 maraschìno cherrìes, cut ìn half
  • 1 package (2-layer) yellow or pìneapple-flavored cake mìx
Pineapple Upside Down Minis

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  1. Draìn pìneapple; reserve juìce.  Reserve 2 pìneapple slìces for another use. 
  2. Stìr together melted butter and brown sugar. Evenly dìvìde sugar mìxture ìnto 18 (2/3 cup*) muffìn cups sprayed wìth cookìng spray.  Lìghtly press well-draìned pìneapple slìces ìnto sugar mìxture.  Place cherrìes ìn center of pìneapple, slìced sìde up.  
  3. Prepare cake mìx accordìng to the package dìrectìons, replacìng amount of water called for wìth reserved juìce.  Pour 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup batter ìnto each muffìn cup.  
  4. .....
  5. .....
  6. GET FULL RECIPE>>https://dolesunshine.com/Recipes/Pineapple-Upside-Down-Minis

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