Butterfinger Peanut Butter Fudge Dream Pie
Even though there's thàt fàmous sàying, "No one better lày à finger on my Butterfinger!", I totàlly would shàre this pie with you, becàuse it is so worth shàring the love.
Get full recipe >> http://www.thebakingchocolatess.com/butterfinger-peanut-butter-fudge-dream-pie/#_a5y_p=6676456
- One Chocolàte Cookie Crust prepàred
- For the Filling
- 8 ounces creàm cheese àt room temperàture
- 1/2 cup creàmy peànut butter
- 1/3 cup grànulàted sugàr
- 8 ounces Cool Whip or 1 cup of whipping creàm whipped
- 6-8 mini Butterfinger càndy bàrs chopped coàrsely
- For the Topping
- Hot Fudge Topping
- 2 mini Butterfinger càndy bàrs coàrsely chopped
- Optionàl: àdditionàl Whipped Topping Dollops
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